Help Support Foodsters United
Take action now to show your solidarity with couriers
- Contact Foodora Canada and their parent company Delivery Hero: demand they reverse this decision and respect the workers
- Ensure income supports for all: demand CERB access for all who need it and DONATE to the Foodsters United Hardship Fund
- Contact Provincial and Federal government and demand they step in with necessary legislation on the gig economy
Foodsters United, CUPW Courier Local 104 have just learned alongside all workers that Foodora are closing their Canadian operations.
We are saddened and greatly disappointed in Foodora and parent company Delivery Hero for their poorly thought out decision. This demonstrates a complete disregard for the wellbeing of us workers in an already extreme and uncertain time. Foodora has left restaurant partners, as well as couriers, without significant notice. Restaurants and couriers will have only 2 weeks to find alternate means of survival in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
The instability, precariousness, and lack of transparency in the gig-economy is now on full display for the world to see. Protections like EI are a given for most Canadians, but Foodora will leave foodsters out of these support systems by refusing to acknowledge the Ontario Labour Relations Board (OLRB) ruling that we are Dependent Contractors. The federal emergency income supports, like CERB, leave out gig workers who have expired or no Social Insurance Numbers, or who cannot meet the $5000 income threshold.
1. We call on Foodora and Delivery Hero to immediately reverse this cruel act and instead invest in workers as they should. Delivery Hero is a giant multinational corporation that can more than afford to continue operations at this time.
EMAIL and CALL Foodora and Delivery Hero Today! Demand they immediately reverse this decision and invest in workers as they should:
- Head of Foodora Canada
Email: [email protected] | Twitter: @foodora_ca @davidalbert999 | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodora.ca - Delivery Hero, Berlin
Email: [email protected] | Twitter: @deliveryherocom CEO Niklas Ostberg: @niklasoestberg | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/deliveryhero
Message to Foodora and Delivery Hero:
- This is a cruel act to do to workers in the middle of a global pandemic. Couriers have been on the frontline continuing to work as essential workers and this is how they are rewarded.
- Delivery Hero needs to invest in workers: instead of aiming for market control in an abstract numbers game, commit and invest in hard working couriers on the ground. You can and must invest in Foodora workers in Canada.
- Pay out workers, not your investors: 2 weeks notice and no promise of fair compensation is especially hard amidst COVID19. Workers should be the priority, not investors.
2. Support Foodsters - ensure no one is left behind! We ask you to support Foodsters, out there still delivering as ‘essential workers’, especially those who are not eligible for CERB or other benefits:
Active barriers, like the SIN and income requirement, make CERB inaccessible for many gig workers, especially migrants on temporary permits. Sign the petition and email your MP NOW to demand income supports for all, regardless of immigration status or work history.
- Sign and share the petition: https://MigrantRights.ca/Covid19
- Email your MP using our tool: https://www.foodstersunited.ca/cerb-action-now.html
DONATE to the FOODSTERS UNITED HARDSHIP FUND: Couriers have been given two weeks notice from the company in the middle of a pandemic. Please donate and show your love to the couriers: https://fundrazr.com/FoodstersUnited
3. We call on all levels of government to implement legislation to ensure gig employers cannot run business through misclassification of workers and refusal to treat its workforce with stability, dignity and respect:
EMAIL and CALL the Premier of Ontario and the Prime Minister!
- Demand the provincial government immediately reverse Bill 47 and restore the provisions of Bill 148 that put the onus on employers to properly classify their employees and make it easier for workers to unionize
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 416-745-2859 - Demand all federal regulation of the gig employers and protections for federally regulated sectors
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 613-995-0253 - Call on both levels of government to intervene and ensure Foodora workers are paid first before investors